The Home Builders Association of Kentucky (HBAK) is a statewide voluntary trade organization comprised of 4,000 member companies in the housing and construction industry representing well over 30,000 employees across the Commonwealth. About one-third are home builders and remodelers. The rest work in closely related specialties such as sales and marketing, housing finance, and manufacturing and supplying building materials.
The Association is made up of 19 local Home Builders Chapters stretching east to west from Pikeville to Paducah and north to south from Northern Kentucky to Somerset.
Formed in 1957, the Home Builders Association of Kentucky was established to provide a voice for the housing and residential construction industry in Kentucky’s legislative and regulatory environment.
The Association is made up of 19 local Home Builders Chapters stretching east to west from Pikeville to Paducah and north to south from Northern Kentucky to Somerset.
Formed in 1957, the Home Builders Association of Kentucky was established to provide a voice for the housing and residential construction industry in Kentucky’s legislative and regulatory environment.

HBAK strives to protect the American Dream of housing opportunities for all, while working to achieve professional success for its members who build communities, create jobs and strengthen our economy.